Trainee solicitors; if you are qualifying in 2020 you'll want to read this!


This week we are featuring a guest blog post, with the experienced team at Clara Rose Consultancy,  we have put together 5 top tips for getting you ready to make the leap from Trainee to NQ this year!

It was 3.30pm on 15 March 2007 and as I turned around from my computer the feeling of trepidation and excitement washed over me.  A huge bunch of flowers was placed on my desk hiding my computer screen and the ET1 I was drafting. 

I had done it.  I had qualified as a solicitor and been admitted to the Roll! 

After six years of riding the waves of working in a law firm and studying hard for my conversion qualification and LPC it was all over and I had made it!

But what had I made, really?  Yes my stabilisers were off and I could now officially run my own case load but it also meant my comfort blanket of being a ‘trainee’ was gone and a large gulf appeared before me…

The step from Trainee Solicitor to Newly Qualified shouldn’t be underestimated. It’s an exciting leap and opens up so many options so why to many of us does it seem rather daunting?

Be prepared

Although I ended up managed to practice in an area of law I loved, I wish I had more proactively planned my career from qualifying.  Often, we are so focused on qualifying that we don’t think beyond that. So take this opportunity to get yourself prepared for the epic shift from trainee to a qualified solicitor. In our experience those who plan ahead manage the transition far more smoothly and with far less anxiety.

Note your experience

Hopefully you’ve been keeping note of key achievements and cases that you have been working on during your training contract so far.  If not, then don’t panic but let’s get started now:

  • Make a note of each seat you’ve done so far.

  • List the experience you have gained under each. Note any unusual cases and matters that engaged or inspired you.

  • Always remember to ensure client confidentiality so anonymise the information.

  • Don’t forget to keep it updated during the remainder of your training contract.

You’ve now started your CV!  It doesn't matter if it’s not pretty, succinct or laid out nicely at this stage - we can sort that for you. Just get content on the page(s).

Find your path

You might not yet know which area of law you want to qualify into so let’s start figuring it out:

  •  Take the list of your experience that you made above.

  • Think about the areas and activities that engaged and inspired you most and note why.

  • Do the reverse and think about what seats or type of work you didn’t enjoy to create an ‘avoid’ list. 

By doing this, a path ahead that suits you often begins to form. But many of us need a helping hand so give us a call and utilise our knowledge of law firms and different practice areas when reflecting on your list. 

Your firm v. the marketplace

Engage with your training mentor/current firm to try and find out what opportunities there will be for you at your current firm upon qualification.  Ask yourself:

  • Do they match what you are looking for?

  • Are you going to be competing with other trainees for particular roles? 

Find out as much information as you can so that you can be making informed decisions.  Remember, it is difficult to change specialism during your career so be careful not to end up in an area that doesn’t suit you.

Let's talk

Drop me a line to book a time (probably between 3-6 months before you qualify) for a free telephone chat to go over your prep so far. You can find out what opportunities are out in the market place and get your CV checked and looking shiny in case you need it. That way you are fully armed and prepared for what may come during your last seat and as your qualification date approaches.

 And remember, don't panic!

Finally.... don't panic! You have us in your corner! With me, Clara and Ali, you have a team of experts on hand to help and support you all the way. There is never any pressure from us - we are just an impartial free resource so use us! See some of the testimonials below from NQ solicitors we have helped in previous years.

Vikki Pratley, StressLess Coach

About Vikki

After many years as a practicing employment lawyer and a founding partner of a successful law firm, Vikki suffered from burnout; recognised in 2019 by the World Health Organisation as being caused by chronic workplace stress that is not successfully managed. 

Vikki was inspired to help others to be high performers without risking burnout so retrained as an ILM certified coach, ABNLP certified NLP practitioner, licenced practitioner of Liberating Leadership® and Pioneering Professional® and is the business owner of Skylark.

Vikki now works with professionals, through Skylark’s StressLess Clinic and with Clara Rose Consultancy as a career management specialist.  From speaking or facilitating events or on a one-to-one or group basis, Vikki works with individuals and professional firms to help them successfully manage workplace stress, create sustainably high performing environments and excel through key recruitment choices. 

Vikki has a wholistic approach to her work, always starting with the individual before equipping them with a tool-kit for success, including a mindset, key skills and, for leaders, a process.